“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.”

~ Chauncey Depew

Hello, I’m glad you’re here!

There are many good reasons people come to therapy.

Having someone to help you explore the challenges of life, find meaning and  personal growth is a wise idea. You don’t have to face life’s challenges alone.

I hope to answer most of your questions on the following pages about myself and my practice. After looking over what I have to offer, let me know if you have any questions and would like to connect.

I am happy to schedule a 20-minute, complimentary call.

In our call we’ll talk about what you’re issues, goals and aspirations are and how we can work together, to bring you a more clarity, authenticity, fulfillment and a more meaningful life.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Whatever you’re facing, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically, I help my clients discover their deep resources to move through difficulties, finding balance, peace and ways to live fully once again.

I welcome individuals, couples and adolescents.

I have 28+ years of experience, in techniques ranging from talk therapy, somatic, body-centered therapies as well as specific types of clinical hypnotherapies and pain-management strategies.

On the “Services” page I list all the modalities I specialize in.

I often use a combination of these therapeutic processes as we move through stages of healing to ease your suffering, bring you through challenges you are facing and discover new and empowering ways to move your life in a positive direction.

I am happy to discuss any of these modalities with you in more depth.


3 Adoption Support Groups are starting in the Spring of 2024.

The trauma of separation between a mother and child is still unacknowledged by society and ignored. However, we know babies’ bodies remember the separation trauma.

This is also true for the birth mothers. It affects them for the rest of their lives if left unresolved.

Adoptive parents as well have unacknowledged trauma and are largely unsupported in their efforts to understand their own emotional needs and how that affects the children they wish to embrace.